Carnage Duck
Carnage Duck
Our Carnage Duck brings the terrifying symbiote villain to your collection with his fearsome red and black design and menacing teeth. Perfect for your next cruise adventure, this 2.5 inch duck is ready to be hidden in daring spots, swapped with fellow Marvel fans, or presented as a chilling gift to the ship's crew. Let Carnage's sinister presence and chaotic energy add a touch of thrilling excitement to your lineup!
This item is crafted especially for you, made to order, and we won't start until you place your order. Our typical production time falls between 7 to 10 days. After your item is carefully made, it's then shipped, with an estimated 3-5 days for delivery to your doorstep. Shipping is only available within the USA.
**Not recommended for children under 3 years old.
Just love it. Just what I expected. Great quality.